According to the Drudge Report, the U.S. government is set to offer an online emotional rescue kit! Lucky us! Isn’t it wonderful that our government is thinking of us; I am already feeling comforted…
"Getting Through Tough Economic Times" will launch Tuesday with a media push across all platforms. The site is meant to help people identify health concerns related to financial worries.
Check this out: (taken directly from the site)
“…Warning Signs
It is important to be aware of signs that financial problems may be adversely affecting your emotional or mental well being --or that of someone you care about. These signs include:
• Persistent Sadness/Crying
• Excessive Anxiety
• Lack of Sleep/Constant Fatigue
• Excessive Irritability/Anger
• Increased drinking
• Illicit drug use, including misuse of medications
• Difficulty paying attention or staying focused
• Apathy - not caring about things that are usually important to you
• Not being able to function as well at work, school or home…”
Now that the government has destroyed so many lives, it is offering therapy! You have got to be kidding! The only way the government can really help us is to eliminate itself from our lives. But then again, that would defeat its present purpose of destroying America, now, wouldn’t it…
And so we have before us the consequences of an election.
The following video, It’s A Controlled Economic Disaster, courtesy of You Tube.