March 20, 2009

America Is [REALLY] TEA’D Off

Posted by Judi Lynn Lake at 14:44

I guess enough is enough, huh? Now, if anyone believes that President Obama wasn’t aware of the AIG bonus’ then I guess I can sell the Brooklyn Bridge afterall….

There are so many things within this administration happening all at once but let’s concentrate on the taxing issue for this post.

Apparently enough people are “mad as hell” because on April 15 The American Family Association, or AFA, is coordinating 1,000 Taxed Enough Already, or TEA, parties to be held at 12 p.m. in front of city halls across the nation.
The organization launched a Tea Party Day website just days ago so volunteer organizers can register their protests with AFA. The website also provides a list of other protests across the nation that are not organized by AFA.

Don Wildmon, founder and chairman of the sponsoring American Family Association, says the TEA parties have touched a nerve with average Americans. "There's a tax rebellion coming if Congress and the president do not deal properly with this," says Wildmon. "I think that President Obama has gotten himself a problem that is above his pay grade -- and we're just hoping that people will respond."

Michael DePrimo, special counsel to AFA President Tim Wildmon, said that AFA has been inundated with e-mails from citizens who want to attend or organize tea parties in their own cities.
In a press release, Wildmon says Washington's economic solution thus far could have detrimental effects on families for generations. "We cannot spend our way out of debt," states the AFA leader, "and we find it immoral to pile debt on our great-grandchildren."

The April 15th protests are inspired by the Boston Tea Party in December 1773, an incident which protested British taxation on the American colonies without representation in Parliament. An Internet site for the rallies is
Michael DePrimo, special counsel to AFA President Tim Wildmon, said that AFA has been inundated with e-mails from citizens who want to attend or organize tea parties in their own cities.

The following video, American Tea Party Song by Lloyd Marcus, courtesy of You Tube. This song is the National Rallying Cry of the movement against president Obama's outrageous government over reaching stimulus package. Written & performed by Lloyd Marcus.


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