July 24, 2009

Obama and the Cambridge Police

Posted by Judi Lynn Lake at 14:19


could the reason be that Obama insulted Cambridge, MA police Sergeant James M. Crowley, be because...

oh, this is too unreal to be true, but could the reason be...

holy cow! Could the real reason be that Crowley didn't endorse Obama?

Is Obama's ego really that fragile? Oh, no! Come to think about it, we all know what's happened to the private car dealerships who didn't endorse him, don't we...


Silly people, had they voted for Obama, they'd all still be in business...

It's bad enough we've a president who's an intern but a sore sport as well? Unbelievable!

Keep the faith, Sergeant, many of us support you and feel you are entitled to a public apology.

An FYI, Mr. President: if you didn't 'know all the facts' a simple "no comment at this time" would have sufficed just fine.

just 'man up' and apologize -- the situation with Henry Louis Gates Jr. had nothing to do with race!

UPDATE: okay, so the President addressed this issue today stating [something like] Crowley's an outstanding police officer but...

I still didn't hear 'I'm sorry' --

I've a feeling that this has something to do with him not wanting the Cambridge situation to overshadow his health plan but call me cynic...

anyway, that's how it is on this Friday, July 24, 2009.


2 comments on "Obama and the Cambridge Police"

Luka on 7/25/09, 2:19 PM said...

Extremely interesting site!

Carol on 7/26/09, 10:55 AM said...

I like your site, however, do what I do. Buy brown paper lunch bags, breath into them, and than call my political servants. Servants ha

Interesting and a very good sense of the trugh you show.


Life As It Happens Copyright 2009 Judi Lynn Lake. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Image by Tadpole's Notez