Since I've intended this blog to be a "safe-haven" for all Christians to share "life as it happens," I am thrilled to step aside today for guest blogger, Omega In Christo. If anyone else is interested to "guest author" on this blog, feel free to e-mail me at Please be advised that all material is subject for approval.
In the meantime, following are Omega In Christo's thoughts for the day:
Thoughts For Friday, January 9, 2009:I found the following Sermon by St. Augustine rather profound and provoking. He wrote it in the third century. As a repentant convert and Bishop, he was writing at a time when all of northern Africa had become Christian and the Roman Empire was collapsing.
The WordSermons on the Liturgical Seasons, trans. Sister Mary Sarah Muldowney, R.S.M. v.38 The Fathers of the Church, ed. Roy Joseph Deferran, New York: Fathers of the Church, Inc. p.28of the Father, by whom all time was created, was made flesh and was born in time for us. He, without whose divine permission no day completes its course, wished to have one day for His human birth. In the bosom of His Father He existed before all the cycles of ages born of an earthly mother. He entered upon the course of the years on this day.
The Maker of man became man that He, Ruler of the stars, might be nourished at the breast: that He, the Bread, might be hungry; that He the Fountain, might thirst, that He, the Light, might sleep; that He, the Way, might be wearied by the journey; that He, the Truth, might be accused by false witnesses, that He the Judge of the living and the dead might be brought to trial by a mortal judge, that He, Justice, might be condemned by the unjust; that He Discipline, might be scourged with whips; that He the Foundation, might be suspended upon a cross, that Courage might be weakened, that Security might be wounded, that Life might die.
To endure these and similar indignities for us, to free us, unworthy creatures, He who existed as the Son of God before all ages, without a beginning, designed to become the Son of Man in these recent years. He did this although He who submitted to such great evils for our sake had done no evil and although we, who were the recipients of so much good at His hands, had done nothing to merit these benefits.
The following video, On My Cross, courtesy of You Tube.
Beautiful and moving post. Praise the Lord in Christ Jesus.Amen.
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