In less than 24 hours, President-elect, Barack Obama will become the 44th President of our United States of America.
Although I disagree with Obama on many key issues, I believe we are called to pray for him and support him to the best of our ability.
Following, is a prayer for President Obama and Our Government:
God of power and might, wisdom and justice,I pray also, Father God, that Obama's fight for equality extends to the fundamental right to life especially for the protection of our unborn babies. May the Holy Spirit gently guide and convict our new President so that America is guided by the same God of yesterday, today and tomorrow.
through you authority is rightly administered,
laws are enacted, and judgment is decreed.
Assist with your spirit of counsel and fortitude
the President and other government leaders of these United States.
May they always seek the ways of righteousness, justice and mercy.
Grant that they may be enabled by your powerful protection
to lead our country with honesty and integrity.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Past Inauguration Speeches (all videos courtesy of You Tube):Franklin Roosevelt's first Inaugural Address (1 of 2)
Inauguration of John F. Kennedy, 1961
Ronald Reagan: First Inaugural Address (1 of 3)
President George W. Bush 2001 Inaugural Address
Judi Ly
nn Lake has kept up with leading edge business trends throughout her varied and successful career. She had already had her "15 minutes of fame" over and over again before starting her family. Judi and her family now reside in South Carolina, but, having been born and raised on Long Island, NY, it is clearly evident that she will always be a "New Yorker." Today, she successfully runs her own advertising agency which handles everything from logos, branding and package design while she continues to work closely with self-published authors from design to promotion. For more information, visit judilake.com

3 comments on "Obama’s Call To America"
Nice prayer for President Obama.
This is an example of what Christianity is. We are called to pry for this administration and will join you in this prayer.
I am with you. I don't support him, but I pray that he is safe and effective in his promises. No matter how any of us voted, tomorrow will be a day for us all to come together to wish him the best of luck. It is a historical day, for those at home watching and those actually there in person taking all of the pictures.
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